Thursday, October 17, 2019

Gordon Buehrig's Tasco: Update

A while ago I wrote about famed stylist Gordon Buehrig and the Tasco, a car he considered his worst mistake.  Or as he put it, "The Tasco, you might say, was my personal Edsel ... it still exists to haunt me..."

That quote and more from him regarding the project can be found at the link.

It turns out that the Tasco and a scale model of it still exist.  They can be found in the Auburn Cord Duesenberg Museum in Auburn, Indiana that has much more to offer the automobile enthusiast.

Below are some Tasco photos I took while visiting the museum.


The detailed model is in a case, so reflections and case structure elements interfere with views of it.

And here is the car itself.  That's Burhrig's personal Cord 810 in the background.

The scale model includes many items seen here in the car's cockpit.

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