Monday, February 17, 2025

1938 American Rounded Body Styling: Side Views

Around the mid-1930s, American carmakers launched new designs incorporating (in most cases) all-steel tops and all-steel framing.  And where these features were not in place, competing designs had similar appearances to those that did.

This is the first part of a three-part series that presents views of 1938 models that had bulbous kinds of bodies with windows that featured noticeably rounded framing.  An important reason for this kind of styling had to do with sheet metal stamping and automobile glass forming states of the art in those days.  And of course, there was a fashion component, where other brands made use of style-leader General Motors' cues.

I selected the 1938 model year because most mid-priced brands were using such styling at the time -- just before GM redesigned some models for 1939 in a less-rounded manner.

By "mid-level," I used 1938 Oldsmobile list prices for four-door touring sedans as benchmarks -- $995 for the Six, and $1107 for the Eight.  Competing sedans had list prices within about ten percent of that range.

Other posts in this series will show rear-quarter and front-quarter views of the selected models.  Brands are pictured below in alphabetical order.  Unless noted, photos are of cars listed for sale.


1938 Buick 40 Special
What General Motors was making and many other brands were following.  This '38 Buick is a lightly facelifted version of the 1937 redesign.  Rounded shaping is found nearly everywhere aside from the hood.

1938 Chrysler Royal
Plenty of rounding here, but otherwise unlike the Buick.  Fenders are especially bulbous.  The rear end is more compressed due to shorter overhang.

1938 Nash Ambassador Eight - photo via Nash Car Club
The windows on Nashes were less-rounded than on other cars shown here.  This was also true for '38 Hupmobiles (not shown).  Otherwise, the body shape generally conforms to the rounded fashion.

1938 Packard Six Touring Sedan
This was Packard's entry-level model.  Its profile is oddly high at the after end of the passenger compartment greenhouse.  Were back-seat passengers expected to be wearing hats, thereby requiring plenty of headroom?  This creates an awkward relationship with the after side windows and rain gutter line.  The hood is typically angular-Packard, a necessary marketing touch in those days.

1938 Pontiac Deluxe Eight
Another GM body for reference.

1938 Studebaker State Commander Cruising Sedan
Again, similar in spirit to GM's theme.  Like the Packard, the after side window and roof profile do not related well to one another.  GM and Chrysler stylists and engineers did a better job here, though not a great one.

Readers might wonder why no Ford Motor Company cars are shown.  That's because Ford did not have a brand in the price class used here.  Its Mercury Eight, introduced for the 1939 model year, filled that bill.

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